We have finished up the mule deer and antelope part of our season. It was a great year with 15 out of 16 deer hunters being successful and all 40 of our antelope hunters harvesting nice bucks. This was the hottest first two weeks of October that I can remember, and it made the deer hunting a little challenging.
Our antelope quality and quantity continue to increase each year. The last buck antelope harvested this year was just over 15 inches long and green scored 79 Boone and Crocket inches.
It was a pleasure working with all our hunters and staff in 2010, and look forward to the 2011 season!
“The Trophy Room”–2010
The “Real Deal”
We are committed to showing you pictures from EVERY animal harvested here at the Rockin’ 7 Ranch. We want you to know exactly what you can expect from us as far as size and quality of our game. From big to small, I’ll put every animal on here so if you’re looking to book a future hunt, you will have a good idea of what to expect when you get here.

Leo with a nice buck, a fun hunt, and great conversation. It was a pleasure guiding you Leo! Chad Gregory with a big 14″ buck. You made a believer out of Mark with that 261 yard shot! Sten from Sweden with a nice antelope. A couple of he funniest guys in camp, Kurt and Matt harvested two nice antelope and a big buffalo! Bob Rowling with a big 15 1/4″ antelope.

Brad: Hope things are going well at the Rockin’ 7. As usual, we had a great time there this fall! For completeness, I wanted to send along a picture of Elizabeth’s antelope buck. As you probably heard, we didn’t get a picture of me and my buck (call it photographer error!) but here is a good picture of our great guide, Bret, and the buck! Take care, and keep us posted as to what goes on at the ranch! Say hello to Rutha P and Steve T if you see them! Have a wonderful Christmas! Tad Dunn Wilmington, NC
Ha! Thanks Tad, I think Bret just wanted to get his picture on the website!

Paul Fitzpatrick with a very picturesque 5X5. John Hudson with a nice 6X6 killed on the last day of his hunt with about one hour to spare. This picture was taken on October 16, 2010–the day after season closed! I guess he’ll be a little bigger for next year! Matt Lahn with the biggest buffalo we have killed since we started buffalo hunting!! 19 1/4″ horn length, congratulations Matt on a big buffalo! Sten with a nice cow buffalo shot with a .45 Colt, which is a first for us. One shot did the job! Larry Doerfler with a nice cow.

“I love the pictures. I was laughing so hard when I saw that picture with the snow. Man I saw a ton of that! It snowed every single day, which made the climbing absolute h*!! for us flatlanders. I was 275 yards away, on a rock, at the top of some mountain shooting down. Again, not something us flatlanders are use to nor do we have anywhere to practice these types of shots, but thrilled I got him down. I can tell you this, great hunt, loved the scenery, loved the area, loved everything about the hunt, loved the lodge, loved Rutha, but man I am glad I was in-shape.” Fred
