Meat Shop

Meat Processing

The Rockin’ 7 Meat Shop

Taking Care Of You From Start To Finish!!

A video showing our meat shop in action. Clean, quick and only our hunters, we make great in-house breakfast sausage, carry a boat load of coolers and make sure we take care of you from start to finish.

The Rockin’ 7 meat shop is designed and built for you, our guest. After some issues with local processors being too busy to take our game, we decided to just provide our own service so there are no surprises. Never a rush fee, and we are always open, so you can get your game cut, wrapped and ready to go when you are!

Our meat shop crew is careful and clean. We only do our own clients game, so there is never a line of hunters, nor a line of animals laying on the ground outside waiting to be skinned.

“Brad and Heather,
Thank you for your hospitality during our recent antelope hunt on your beautiful ranch. We enjoyed getting to know all of your staff, guides, and family–your kids are truly delightful. We continue to enjoy the antelope meat you processed–delicious! Hope to see you next year.
Jerry and Cheri Hanson

2024 Meat Shop Price List


Doe or Fawn– $140

Buck– $195

Donate (Taking NO meat with you)– $100


Buck– $275

Donate (Taking NO meat with you)– $100


Bull– $700

Add Beef Fat– $40



Bull– $1,400

Add Beef Fat– $40 for Cow/$80 for Bull

Skin and Quarter– $400 for Cow/ $600 for Bull


Skull Cap– $25

Breakfast Sausage– $4/lb

Coolers– 48 qt– $40/ 70 qt– $80/ 125 or 150 qt– $100

Dry Ice can be purchased on your way out- in whichever direction you are headed. It can be found at the following places-

-Heading East-Decker’s Grocery Store in Lusk-

-Heading North- Safeway Grocery Store in Douglas-

-Heading South- Safeway Grocery Store in Wheatland-