Going out west has been a dream, a driving force in America for over a century. That same driving force that brought our ancestors here over 100 years ago is still driving us today.
The struggle to survive and thrive still exists for us now. To make it as a family ranch in an industry where big companies are taking over, and in a market that is being farmed out to other countries and synthetic products is challenging- but here on the Rockin’ 7 we’re not giving up.
That feeling of needing to survive is not lost on us. We have learned from those before us that if you aren’t going forward- you are falling behind. To make it- our ancestors diversified by selling eggs, delivering mail, driving the school bus, and whatever they could to scrape by. That same foundation of diversification still exists today. We strive to keep up with the times, while holding true to the practices and values that brought us here in the first place.
Caring for our land and animals in a way that leaves them better for the next generation is not a new concept- we’ve been doing it for over 100 years.
We work hard as a team, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. There is nothing more fulfilling than putting in a hard day’s work together surrounded by God’s creation. Working with our hands, raising a family, and caring for the land and animals reaches down into the soul in a way that nothing else can.
Land management is a huge priority for us- our goal is to leave things better than we found them for the next generation. And we are raising our kids to do the same. Life out here is intentionally simple.
If you’d like to know more about our cattle, please call or email.
If you’d like to purchase our all-natural beef- thank you! Our beef is sold via Thousand Hills and Seven Sons online or under the Thousand Hills label in your local Natural Grocers.

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